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On 1 September past, 2017, the two-year BIMclay project began. BIMclay is an Erasmus+ project funded by the European Union, within an initiative of the year 2017, key action KA2 of the Erasmus+ programme, Strategic Partnership in the field of Vocational and Educational Training, which has the participation of entities from Portugal, Spain and Greece.

The Associação Portuguesa da Indústria da Cerâmica e de Cristalaria (APICER) coordinates the Project under the title “BIMclay – Improve technification and LCA qualification of workers in ceramic sector with the support of BIM applications” which aims to develop a multimedia tool linked to BIM technology on the most advanced and ecological ceramic product placement techniques.

This project will be developed by a transnational consortium constituted by the following institutions and organisations from different countries of the European Union: